
AdiscordbotthatscrapesPokemonGOdatafromdifferentmapsAPIsandallowsyoutocreateconfigurablechannelswithspecificdatalikeActiveRaids, ...,Features·BasedonPythonforbottingonanyoperatingsystem-Windows,macOSandLinux·Multi-botsupported·Abletoeditbotifcertainlevelhasreached,TheirbotsfeedberriestotheirPokemoningyms,makingitimpossibletokickthemout.Nomatterhowfastyouare,they'veprogrammedthebotstofeeda ...,...


A discord bot that scrapes Pokemon GO data from different maps APIs and allows you to create configurable channels with specific data like Active Raids, ...


Features · Based on Python for botting on any operating system - Windows, macOS and Linux · Multi-bot supported · Able to edit bot if certain level has reached

Botters are Back

Their bots feed berries to their Pokemon in gyms, making it impossible to kick them out. No matter how fast you are, they've programmed the bots to feed a ...

PokeNav | PokeNav

Features. With PokeNav, you can build a full featured Pokemon Go Discord Community! Private raid coordination channels, trading requests, cross-server trainer ...

What are some ways to tell if an unknown player is a bot ...

2023年12月18日 — Spotting a bot in Pokémon GO can be tricky, but here are some easy ways to tell: 1. Same Old Route: Bots often follow a set path over and ...

Bots have taken over the area

2022年3月28日 — Bots have recently taken over our area, they fill the gyms and replace you really quickly if you knock them out, often with the same team ...

How to run a bot farm with 5 to 100 Pokemon Go accounts ...

2024年2月11日 — Bots. There are two type of bots: private and public. Private bots are self-coded and won't be shared to the public because someone put hundreds ...